shikhenge: feeling lonely- HOW TO DEAL WITH LONELINESS

Monday, April 20, 2020


feeling lonely: Many times people start feeling sad and disconnected from others and on this basis, an explanation of loneliness can be given. When a person feels isolated from others or from those with whom he is connected. It is called loneliness. In 2004, of the National Sample Survey Office (NSSOit was found in exploitation) that at that time about 5 million people in India were suffering from loneliness and considered themselves alone.
We can understand loneliness from our relationships. Many people have thousands of contacts in their phones, there are more than 500 friends on Facebook, there is a lot of meeting with other people, on the other hand, many people have only 2 - 4 friends. In such a situation, it is not necessary that the person who has more friends cannot be a victim of loneliness or the one who has fewer friends, he becomes a victim of loneliness soon.
feeling lonely

Type of loneliness

Loneliness Loneliness is of many types and it is not necessary that staying depressed for a certain time is a mental illness. We can understand this from different types of loneliness.

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The loneliness that comes from circumstances,

feeling lonely: many times people give up old things to get new things like going from one school to another, shifting home or moving away from close ones, not being able to go to a place where you often go. Were. In such a situation, people start feeling
lonely, this loneliness comes due to change in circumstances. When circumstances change, the person does not adapt to those conditions and starts feeling lonely by remembering old things, although this loneliness goes away automatically overtime or the person accepts the change in his life. It seems that he stops feeling lonely.

The loneliness that comes from the development of others

feeling lonely: is no doubt that we feel lonely when we are separated from the person we are associated with and when there is something new in their life or they develop like they were promoted or married. If we have a new job or a new job, in such a situation, our engagement with them decreases, then the person starts feeling lonely.
The most accurate example of this is getting married to our best friend. After which he is unable to give us his time and we start feeling lonely.
Internal loneliness
when a person is present among those who love him keeps him happy but still, he feels alone and unable to be satisfied.
Such people feel alone in every situation and they must take the help of a therapist or counselor.

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Causes of loneliness

loneliness, there is much loneliness that depends on our past. There are some incidents that make us feel lonely, such as moving

  • away from friends,
  • changing homes another city,
  • or moving to change jobs or feeling lonely when retiring.
  • Linguistic problems
  • due to a lack of due to lack of culture.
  • social gathering
  • spend more time on social media, the
  • due to leave any of your
  • due to mental or physical weakness

symptoms of loneliness 

  • lovely Rana did not merely lie to themselves feel isolated but loneliness comes with many mental and physical problems with their like ...
  • think to be reduced
  • the same thing over and over again to think
  • come to negative thoughts
  • to not feel like eating
  • Depressiontheto get a sense
  • too much shopping
  • to be active on many social media
  • watch very much TV
  • saidmeasuresnot embarking
  • be called painbody


feeling lonely
Elgol Increase - may be due to go off the loneliness any or breakdown occurred in relationships. If you are feeling something like this, then increase your communication, meet friends and friends and talk to them.

Make new hobbies- Friends, whenever you feel lonely, make new hobbies like - Watching movies, playing games, reading books or anything else that you like.

Make new friends - there is no shortage of people in the world, you should make new friends. Talk to them or else have a normal conversation with your office guard, office boy or salon person, milkman. Call them, hello, thank them after doing their work. You will see that in a few days many of your friends will be made.

Be Kind and Curious - To deal with loneliness, it is very important that you be kind and curious while talking to others and also be interested in them.

Seek the help of a therapist or psychologist - Friends, you can take help from a therapist or psychologist before the problem gets too much and nowadays it is not necessary that you go to them, now it can be possible online at home also like you with the visiting psychiatrist after which their online appointment book psychiatrist you Number your problem will call himself a psychological therapy Will Adhan.

Friends, a human being is a social animal, but in spite of that, he still feels lonely while living in society, so it is not a normal thing, although many people are facing this mental problem due to lack of proper guidance and treatment, this problem Increases and the person becomes a victim of depression. Friends, if you or someone close to you is struggling with loneliness, then you can book your online appointment by going to and talk to the therapist.

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